Pyrahealth - A USA company. Vastu Shastra Pyramid Power For A Greater LifePosted on by Priya
New home kit comes with: filled with New Advance Pyramid, Protect 9X9 inside door, a compass and a Natron pyramid. natron pyramid is used inside the main bathroom ceiling or wall. First clean the area to install, get brass screws …Continue reading →
Pyrahealth - A USA company. Vastu Shastra Pyramid Power For A Greater LifePosted on by Priya
Meditation pyramid like promax makes a very powerful tool if applied to the ceiling of the meditation room. For the first time it is available in gold.
Pyrahealth - A USA company. Vastu Shastra Pyramid Power For A Greater LifePosted on by Priya
Marriage Pyramid works wonder: This cosmic instrument with power of pyramid comes with a copper chamber. The father energy and mother energy is accentuated by white color and black color chambers. When opposite attracts then marriage happens. Marriage pyramid …Continue reading →
Pyrahealth - A USA company. Vastu Shastra Pyramid Power For A Greater LifePosted on by Priya
This book is written by Dr Dhara Bhatt, We have the 9th edition. This is a hindi language publication. It is the bestseller and for a limited time it comes with free hindi vastu book+dvd Special features *hindi language*Pyramid …Continue reading →
Pyrahealth - A USA company. Vastu Shastra Pyramid Power For A Greater LifePosted on by Priya
Pyrapendulum-a diagnostic tool for dowsing Dowsing has been around for a long time but the method to do dowsing has evolved over time. Pendants, crystals, stones and gems make a great dowsing tool. Our pyrapendulum is made of 5 layers …Continue reading →
Pyrahealth - A USA company. Vastu Shastra Pyramid Power For A Greater LifePosted on by Administrator
The Pyramids & 2012 Solstice & Equinox Times of 2012-2013 2012 events unfolding are revealing the energy of the SOURCE power, more and more, day by day. This year, we will be able to see the play of light & …Continue reading →
Pyrahealth - A USA company. Vastu Shastra Pyramid Power For A Greater LifePosted on by Priya
MAX ASSEMBLY First take the Max plate and place it up side down. Fix all nine chips with glue, take care that pyramids must go inside the plate. Now take the Copperon base, remove the release paper from glue tape. …Continue reading →
Pyrahealth - A USA company. Vastu Shastra Pyramid Power For A Greater LifePosted on by Priya
VAASTU FOR DESIGN OF AN ENTRANCE 1) House should have good upkeep and maintenance outside and inside, such as paint, cleaning, and landscaping. 2) House should have a regular shape; rectangle or square are good. No triangle, circle or …Continue reading →
Pyrahealth - A USA company. Vastu Shastra Pyramid Power For A Greater LifePosted on by Priya
This is a very important Vaastu topic. It is also easy to follow if one know the theme of the cardinal direction.Each and every direction have some themes and using pyramid or vastu themes will help in overall success. They …Continue reading →
Pyrahealth - A USA company. Vastu Shastra Pyramid Power For A Greater LifePosted on by Priya
Pyravaastu and Pyramids for office, shops, factory and warehouse Starting from how to boost your projects with Pyramids, getting finance and bank loans with Pyramid can be achieved. Learn Land activation, fast progress, money matter and 16 other tactics to …Continue reading →