PYRON modules combine Hindu astrology yantra instrument symbols with the concentrated space tattva effects of Pyramid Vastu.  The square pattern of Pyramid Vastu enclosed pyramid spaces attracts the energy of the universe to activate the astrological yantra instrument.

Hindu astrology (Jyotiṣa) uses the Indian sidereal zodiac, and is important to many Hindus. There are nine grahas, or navagrahas (planets), including the lunar ascending (Rahu) and descending nodes (Ketu).  The lunar ascending node (Rahu), where the Moon crosses the Ecliptic from the southern hemisphere to the northern hemisphere, is known in Western astrology as the Dragon’s Head.  The lunar descending node (Ketu), is called the Dragon’s Tail in the West.  The oldest Hindu astrology document is the Yavanajātaka, which was written around the time of Alexander the Great.

Double energy, multiple results

pyron rahu 300

Pyron Rahu (Status). Each Pyron uses appropriate symbol.

The design of PYRON imparts double benefits as it has Pyramid Yantra with 9 pyramids and 83 base pyramids.  To add more power, it is enriched with 9 copper discs at the bottom which are pre-programmed for the item’s purpose.  Also, at the top of your PYRON is a computer uplifted specific ‘gold or silver code’ to solve your everyday problems.

Pre-programmed, easy and ready to use

PYRON due to its multiple benefits gives you an easy solution to all Vastu, Feng Shui, and Chi management methods.  PYRON has a wide range of more than 18 yantras, each with a specific purpose and a programmed computer ‘gold or silver code’ on top of it.  Chose one or more according to the purpose of your wish.  In addition to Pyrons for specific characteristics, the psychic number of one of them is associated with the day of your birth.

Start now & control your future!

After you have your PYRON with a specific purpose, charge the gold disc with your mind power and it will be ready to be installed.  Just place it in your home, office, or workplace and wish the purpose for 2 minutes a day.  You can hang it on a wall or it can be placed in a specific position according to the vastu or feng shui method.


Which sign rules your day of birth:


{product_snapshot:id=154,showname=y,showimage=y,showprice=y,showdesc=n,showaddtocart=y,displayeach=h,displaylist=h,width=90%,border=1,style=color:black;,align=center} Represents purifying energy, vitality and motivation. It gives an assertive, individialistic, exuberant and proud nature. It is also characterized as stable and selfless, one that is strong, firm, royal and respectable. Psychic number 1, this is the number of those born on day 1, 10, 19, or 28 of any month.
{product_snapshot:id=155,showname=y,showimage=y,showprice=y,showdesc=n,showaddtocart=y,displayeach=h,displaylist=h,width=90%,border=1,style=color:black;,align=center} Represents the life giving mother energy and is connected with the mind. It gives creative energy, which is magnetic and positive. Moon acts upon our imagination, reflective, intuitive nature, also known as our psyche. It is related with our subconscious mind. 2 is the psychic number of those born on day 2, 11, 20 or 29 of any month.
{product_snapshot:id=156,showname=y,showimage=y,showprice=y,showdesc=n,showaddtocart=y,displayeach=h,displaylist=h,width=90%,border=1,style=color:black;,align=center} Represents the commander in chief of the assembly of the Gods, hence it has qualities such as a strong sense of purpose, courage, duty, order and discipline. Psychic number is 9 and is of those born on day 9, 18, or 27 of any month.
{product_snapshot:id=157,showname=y,showimage=y,showprice=y,showdesc=n,showaddtocart=y,displayeach=h,displaylist=h,width=90%,border=1,style=color:black;,align=center} Represents merchant-like nature, makes it take risks and gamble. Associated with physical comfort, money, business, success and materialistic gain. Nature includes intuitive, quick decision, impulsive and hard working. Psychic number is 5, for those born on day 5, 14, 23 of any month.
{product_snapshot:id=158,showname=y,showimage=y,showprice=y,showdesc=n,showaddtocart=y,displayeach=h,displaylist=h,width=90%,border=1,style=color:black;,align=center} Represents energy, knowledge, self-illumination, spiritual power and courage. It is associated with progress, expansion of consciousness, justice and status. It makes its natives independent, bold, healthy, ambitious, active, popular, self-confident and initiators. 3 is their psychic number and for those born on day 3, 12, 21 or 30.
{product_snapshot:id=159,showname=y,showimage=y,showprice=y,showdesc=n,showaddtocart=y,displayeach=h,displaylist=h,width=90%,border=1,style=color:black;,align=center} Represents romance, beauty, passion and luxury. It is associated with art, music, sexual pleasure, emotion and love. Venus also governs the eye, throat, chin, kidney and the reproductive organ. Ruling psychic number is 6 and for those born on day 6, 15, 24.
{product_snapshot:id=151,showname=y,showimage=y,showprice=y,showdesc=n,showaddtocart=y,displayeach=h,displaylist=h,width=90%,border=1,style=color:black;,align=center} Represents wisdom, awareness of right and wrong, happiness and honesty. Saturn is also associated with sincerity, love of justice, non-attachment, long life, fame, authority, leadership and organizational abilities. Psychic number 8 is a number of mystery. Born on day 8, 17, 26 of any month.
{product_snapshot:id=152,showname=y,showimage=y,showprice=y,showdesc=n,showaddtocart=y,displayeach=h,displaylist=h,width=90%,border=1,style=color:black;,align=center} Represents fame, status, success, physical attractiveness and beauty. It also makes its native intelligent, bold and secretive, if interested in politics, Rahu makes them successful. Psychic number 4, born on day 4, 13, 22 or 31 of any month.
Rahu is the ascending lunar node.
{product_snapshot:id=153,showname=y,showimage=y,showprice=y,showdesc=n,showaddtocart=y,displayeach=h,displaylist=h,width=90%,border=1,style=color:black;,align=center} Represents wealth, blessing, growth and all around prosperity. Associated with true knowledge, fantasy, intuition and imagination. Ketu rules the psychic number 7, those born on day 7, 16 or 25 of any month.
Ketu is the descending lunar node.