Pyrahealth - A USA company. Vastu Shastra Pyramid Power For A Greater LifePosted on by pyradmin
PYRON modules combine Hindu astrology yantra instrument symbols with the concentrated space tattva effects of Pyramid Vastu. The square pattern of enclosed pyramid space attracts the energy of the universe to activate the astrological yantra instrument. Hindu astrology (Jyotiṣa or …Continue reading →
Pyrahealth - A USA company. Vastu Shastra Pyramid Power For A Greater LifePosted on by pyradmin
PYRON modules combine Indian astrology yantra instrument symbols with the concentrated space tattva effects of Pyramid Vastu. The square pattern of enclosed pyramid spaces attracts the energy of the universe to activate the astrological yantra instrument. Indian astrology (Jyotiṣa, Jyotisa, …Continue reading →
Pyrahealth - A USA company. Vastu Shastra Pyramid Power For A Greater LifePosted on by pyradmin
PYRON modules combine India’s astrology yantra instrument symbols with the concentrated space tattva effects of Pyramid Vastu. The square pattern of enclosed pyramid spaces attracts the energy of the universe to activate the astrological yantra instrument. India’s astrology (Jyotiṣa, Jyotisa, …Continue reading →
Pyrahealth - A USA company. Vastu Shastra Pyramid Power For A Greater LifePosted on by pyradmin
PYRON modules combine Hindu astrology yantra instrument symbols with the concentrated space tattva effects of Pyramid Vastu. The square pattern of Pyramid Vastu enclosed pyramid spaces attracts the energy of the universe to activate the astrological yantra instrument. Hindu astrology …Continue reading →