Valentine day 2012!
Valentine gifts
With gifts for everyone this valentine, Try out our new products just for you and your loved one. Thinking marriage. Here is the marriage pyramid to set sail towards a healthy sacred relationship when you tie the knot.
Secure the bond of love this year with this unique fortune card. Order for one or order a pair and see your love and bonding grow for years to come. Marriage and love Pyracard $20.00
Birthday gifts
The unique Pyrons are made for your specialized birthdate. Hang the pyron in your room or display on your work table. They work like unique cosmic good fortune bringing you good luck and prosperity.
Sun Pyron: This Pyron is for those with birthday on 1,10,19,28. If you or your loved one has birthday on above dates order the sun pyron today. Sun Pyron 25.00
Moon Pyron: This Pyron is for those with birthday on 2, 11, 20, 29. Moon Pyron $25.oo
Mars Pyron: This pyron is uniquely designed for birthdays on 9,19,27 Mars Pyron 25.00
Mercury Pyron:This Pyron is for those with birthday on 5,14,23 Mercury Pyron 25.00
Jupiter Pyron: This pyron is for those with birthday on 3,12,21,30 Jupiter pyron 25.00
Venus Pyron: This pyron is for those with birthdays on 6,15,24 Venus Pyron 25.00
Saturn Pyron:This pyron if for for those with birthdays on 8,17,26Saturn Pyron 25.00
Rahu Pyron:This pyron is for those with birthdays on 4,13,22,31Rahu Pyron 25.00
Ketu pyron:This pyron is for those with birthdate on 7,16,25 Ketu pyron 25.00