Pyrahealth - A USA company. Vastu Shastra Pyramid Power For A Greater LifePosted on by Administrator
Feng shui (pronounced fung-shway or fung-shooy) was created as an ancient Chinese system, a combination of geography and astronomy, which encourages use of aesthetics and architecture to enhance the quality of living. Literally, “feng shui” means “wind and water”, …Continue reading →
Pyrahealth - A USA company. Vastu Shastra Pyramid Power For A Greater LifePosted on by Administrator
Brahmastahala-Is the center of any property. This is where the naval is of the virtual vastu Purusha(Vastu deity). With Pyramids, brahmasthala can be used to do center activation of the entire property. More on Center activation of property
Pyrahealth - A USA company. Vastu Shastra Pyramid Power For A Greater LifePosted on by pyradmin
Brahmastahala-Is the center of any property. This is where the naval is of the virtual vastu Purusha(Vastu deity). With Pyramids, brahmasthala can be used to do center activation of the entire property.
Pyrahealth - A USA company. Vastu Shastra Pyramid Power For A Greater LifePosted on by Administrator
Mind Power Tools (MPT) derived from Egyptian, Indian, Mexican, Chinese and other ancient traditions server to create balance and harmony for better solution of day to day problems.