Pyrahealth - A USA company. Vastu Shastra Pyramid Power For A Greater LifePosted on by pyradmin
Understanding the Bagua method In feng shui, Bagua is a fundamental tool to determine the influence of directional energy. The Bagua represents the journey of life, the Tao, and we can use it to create comfortable living, working, and leisure …Continue reading →
Pyrahealth - A USA company. Vastu Shastra Pyramid Power For A Greater LifePosted on by pyradmin
The Lo Shu square is another important and most ancient symbol widely used in feng shui analysis. It is also called a magic square as its nine chambered 3×3 grid square features a unique arrangement of numbers from one to …Continue reading →
Pyrahealth - A USA company. Vastu Shastra Pyramid Power For A Greater LifePosted on by pyradmin
The Bagua trigrams represent the Taoist philosophy of reality having eight components. The universe is in a constant state of change through the creative interaction of yin and yang. The unceasing changes in patterns is reflected by the 8 trigrams …Continue reading →
Pyrahealth - A USA company. Vastu Shastra Pyramid Power For A Greater LifePosted on by pyradmin
Examples of how to apply the yin-yang theory for every day use According to feng shui, in the center of the house maximum yin-yang energy is present and so when this part is used for applying yin-yang theory, …Continue reading →
Pyrahealth - A USA company. Vastu Shastra Pyramid Power For A Greater LifePosted on by pyradmin
The balance of Yin and Yang Literally, “feng shui” means “wind and water”, reflecting its foundation in the flow of the invisible energy chi, which is affected by the five ancient elements earth, fire, metal, water, and wood. Chi’s …Continue reading →
Pyrahealth - A USA company. Vastu Shastra Pyramid Power For A Greater LifePosted on by pyradmin
Pyramid Vastu (PyraVastu) is the application of Vastu principles through pyramid space. The five elements of material nature, Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, and Space govern us. Harmony between these elements in our body and our environment brings about peace …Continue reading →
Pyrahealth - A USA company. Vastu Shastra Pyramid Power For A Greater LifePosted on by pyradmin
Reiki is an energy healing practice which originated in Japan. During treatment a person’s healing response is stimulated by the Reiki practicioner gently touching, or almost touching, the client. It is used to enhance general health as well as …Continue reading →
Pyrahealth - A USA company. Vastu Shastra Pyramid Power For A Greater LifePosted on by pyradmin
The first of the Advaita Vedanta tattvas or principles is Shiva tattva, corresponding to the highest Brahman, or truth. In the next phase differentiation commences owing to the movement of Shakti tattva, the active or female principle. Shiva in this phase …Continue reading →
Pyrahealth - A USA company. Vastu Shastra Pyramid Power For A Greater LifePosted on by Administrator
Yantra is the Sanskrit word for “instrument” or “machine”. The meaning is contextual. Much like the word ‘instrument’ itself, it can stand for symbols, processes, automata, machinery or anything that has structure and organization. One use popular in the west …Continue reading →
Pyrahealth - A USA company. Vastu Shastra Pyramid Power For A Greater LifePosted on by Administrator
Vastu-Originating from Indian vedic tradition, vastu is an old science which lays emphasis on property’s, house’s, building’s, structural layout. The science gives tenets when one procures a land or starts building a structure. The idea of using vastu science is …Continue reading →